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Value类被称为包装类,它可以将int, float, bool, unsigned, har, char等,基本数据类型可以包装成为类,也包装一些c++标准类,如std::string,std::vector<Value>, std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> 和std::unordered<int, Value>。使用Value对象的好处是,封装的基本数据类型,可以使它们具有面向对象的特性,在另一方面,也可以便于数据类型之间的转换。(即:可以将Value类型转换成基本类型,也可以将基本类型转换成Value类型)。
1 /** Create a Value by an unsigned char value. */ 2 /**用无符号字符值创建一个值。*/ 3 explicit Value(unsigned char v); 4 5 /** Create a Value by an integer value. */ 6 /**用整形值创建一个值。*/ 7 explicit Value(int v); 8 9 /** Create a Value by a float value. */10 /**用浮点数值创建一个值。*/11 explicit Value(float v);12 13 /** Create a Value by a double value. */14 /**用双精度值创建一个值。*/15 explicit Value(double v);16 17 /** Create a Value by a bool value. */18 /**用bool(逻辑)值创建一个值。*/19 explicit Value(bool v);20 21 /** Create a Value by a char pointer. It will copy the chars internally. */22 /**用字符指针创建一个值。它将复制字符内部。*/23 explicit Value(const char* v);24 25 /** Create a Value by a string. */26 /**用字符串值创建一个值。*/27 explicit Value(const std::string& v);28 29 /** Create a Value by a ValueVector object. */30 /**通过valuevector对象创建一个值。*/31 explicit Value(const ValueVector& v);32 33 /** Create a Value by a ValueVector object. It will use std::move internally. */34 /**通过valuevector对象创建一个值。它将使用内部的std::move。 */35 explicit Value(ValueVector&& v);36 37 /** Create a Value by a ValueMap object. */38 /**由ValueMap对象创建一个值。 */39 explicit Value(const ValueMap& v);40 41 /** Create a Value by a ValueMap object. It will use std::move internally. */42 /**通过ValueMap对象创建一个值。它将使用内部的std::move。*/43 explicit Value(ValueMap&& v);44 45 /** Create a Value by a ValueMapIntKey object. */46 /**通过ValueMapIntKey对象创建一个值。*/47 explicit Value(const ValueMapIntKey& v);48 49 /** Create a Value by a ValueMapIntKey object. It will use std::move internally. */50 /**通过ValueMapIntKe对象创建一个值。它将使用内部的std::move。*/51 explicit Value(ValueMapIntKey&& v);52 53 /** Gets as a byte value. Will convert to unsigned char if possible, or will trigger assert error.获取一个字节值。会如果有可能转换为unsigned char型,或会触发断言错误。 */54 unsigned char asByte() const;55 56 /** Gets as an integer value. Will convert to integer if possible, or will trigger assert error. */57 int asInt() const;58 59 /** Gets as a float value. Will convert to float if possible, or will trigger assert error. */60 float asFloat() const;61 62 /** Gets as a double value. Will convert to double if possible, or will trigger assert error. */63 double asDouble() const;64 65 /** Gets as a bool value. Will convert to bool if possible, or will trigger assert error. */66 bool asBool() const;67 68 /** Gets as a string value. Will convert to string if possible, or will trigger assert error. */69 std::string asString() const;70 71 /** Gets as a ValueVector reference. Will convert to ValueVector if possible, or will trigger assert error. */72 ValueVector& asValueVector();73 74 /** Gets as a const ValueVector reference. Will convert to ValueVector if possible, or will trigger assert error. */75 const ValueVector& asValueVector() const;76 77 /** Gets as a ValueMap reference.Will convert to ValueMap if possible, or will trigger assert error. */78 ValueMap& asValueMap();79 80 /** Gets as a const ValueMap reference. Will convert to ValueMap if possible, or will trigger assert error. */81 const ValueMap& asValueMap() const;82 83 /** Gets as a ValueMapIntKey reference. Will convert to ValueMapIntKey if possible, or will trigger assert error. 获取作为一个ValueMapinTKEY参考。会如果有可能转换为ValueMap TKEY,或会触发断言错误。*/84 ValueMapIntKey& asIntKeyMap();85 86 /** Gets as a const ValueMapIntKey reference. Will convert to ValueMapIntKey if possible, or will trigger assert error.作为获取一个const值PrIntKey参考。会如果有可能转换为ValueMapIntKey,或会触发断言错误 */87 const ValueMapIntKey& asIntKeyMap() const;88 89 /** Checks if the Value is null.@return True if the Value is null, false if not.*/90 inline bool isNull() const { return _type == Type::NONE; }
.h files#ifndef _VALUETEST_SCENE_H_#define _VALUETEST_SCENE_H_#include "cocos2d.h"class valueTest : public cocos2d::Layer{private:public: static cocos2d::Scene* createScene(); virtual bool init(); void valTest(); CREATE_FUNC(valueTest);};#endif // _VALUETEST_SCENE_H_.cpp filesval2.getDescription().c_str();这条语句的意思是,输出val2对象所描述的信息。#include "ValueTest.h"USING_NS_CC;Scene* valueTest::createScene(){ // 'scene' is an autorelease object auto scene = Scene::create(); // 'layer' is an autorelease object auto layer = valueTest::create(); // add layer as a child to scene scene->addChild(layer); // return the scene return scene;}bool valueTest::init(){ if (!Layer::init()) { return false; } valTest(); return true;}void valueTest::valTest(){ //1. 调用默认的构造方法 Value val; //2. 判断val是否为空 if (val.isNull()) { log("val is null"); } else { std::string str = val.getDescription(); log("The description of val: %s", str.c_str()); } //3. 使用int初始化 Value val1(65); log("The description of the int value: %s", val1.getDescription().c_str()); log("Value.asBtye() = %c", val1.asByte()); //4. 使用float初始化 Value val2(3.1415f); log("The description of the float value: %s", val2.getDescription().c_str()); log("Value.asBtye() = %c", val2.asByte()); //5. 使用double初始化 Value val3(3.1415967); log("The description of the integer value: %s", val3.getDescription().c_str()); log("Value.asBtye() = %c", val3.asByte()); //6. 使用字符串初始化 std::string str1 = "china"; Value val4(str1); log("The description of the string value: %s", val4.getDescription().c_str()); //7. 使用Vector初始化 auto spr = Sprite::create(); Vector